Spring forward

It always happens that at some point within a year I'm over-committed, over-taxed and hating on life. I have an urge to connect with people, to make life easier and better for others, to bring something to the table but it never fares well. This year I tried not to be too hard on myself; I imagined that all this was building character, organizational skills, thinking on my feet. I credited myself for reaching outside of my comfort zone and giving back, all worthy qualities to be sure. What I did learn was that I am a lousy delegator and that I push the little enjoyable bits, like writing my blog, out of my daily to-dos & into that pile of miserable paralyzing tasks. Finally, though, the fog is clearing & I'm so ready for a fresh start!

Today is the Spring Equinox, and I'm thrilled with the prospect of what that season has to offer. Of course, in Portland, the next couple of months will still be wet but heralding the season are the bright pink cherry blossoms, the coral camellias, the creamy dogwoods - all in full bloom. In the winter I cozy up to the neutrals and the earth tones and the natural textures, but right now I'm craving color and patterns and layers. I'm craving rooms with stories, random surprises, inviting spaces - perhaps a little crazy cakes, but we all need that sometimes & the first day of spring is a perfect excuse. 
